Millersville University, Faculty Senate

Academic Standards Committee

1995-96 Annual Report

Submitted 5/7/96 by Joel B. Piperberg, Chair

1995-1996 Members Department Term Expires
J. Piperberg, Chair, elected from Faculty Senate Biology 1997
G. Benson Library 1996
I. Sigler Mathematics 1997
D. Schultz Mathematics 1997
J. Sciarretta Developmental Studies 1998
D Shanahan Geography 1998
J. Wenrich Elem. & Early Chlldhood Ed. 1997
C. Yoder Chemistry 1996
D. Davis Director of Admissions (ex-officio)
M. Gonzalez Registrar (ex-officio)
R. Wywadis Associate Registrar (ex-officio)
Jeanne Ferullo Student
Josh Sosnin Student

A two-day meeting lasting from 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM is held after both the Fall and Spring semesters. This academic year the meeting was held on January 18 - 19, 1996 and June 4 - 5, 1996. No formal minutes were taken at either of the meetings. Average attendance was 11 members each day.

Motions Forwarded to Senate:

Other Deliberations and Actions:
The IMP (Improve My Performance) program has been given the names of certain students who appear to be likely to benefit from the program. Participation is optional. Preliminary information indicates that those students who have elected to participate in the program have done better than those who have not. We will continue to steer students to the program.

The Academic Standards Committee met on January 17 and january 18, 1996 from 8:30 AM until 5:00 PM to hear the appeals of those students dismissed at the end of the Fall 1995 semester. The following table summarizes the results for this semester.

Categories Number (Percentage)
Total number of dismissals 113
Total number of appeals 55 (49% of dismissals)
Number of appeals granted 32 (58% of appeals)
Number of dismissals upheld 23 (42% of appeals)


A. Race and Gender Data* - The self-reported racial identification of the dismissed students appears below:

41% females 82% white 4% Hispanic
59% males 12% African-American 2% Asian

B. School of Studnets Dismissed*
% of Students School Mode Major

Undecided 27 Ind. Tech. 3
Business 14 OSHM 3
English 9 Sociology 3
Biology 7 Social Work 3
Psychology 5 EDTE 2
Art 4 Meteorology 2
Computer Science 4 Social Studies 2
Ele. Ed. 4 Geography 1
Math. 4 International Studies 1
Communications 4 Music 1
History 3 Political Science 1

Every student received verbal notification of the Committee's decision immediately following the hearing and a formal (written) notification approximately one week later from the Committee Chairperson. Students whose appeals were granted received recommendations appropriate to their needs (e.g. counseling, academic advisement, career planning, repetition of courses, the IMP program, etc.) in order to assist them in quickly reestablishing satisfactory academic standing. The number of appeals upheld this semester is comparable to those granted during these meetings for the past five years.

2. The Committee also heard seven requests for readmission to the University under the terms of the Academic Amnesty policy. All seven requests were approved by the Committee and notification of the Committee's approval was sent to the Registrar.

Matters Currently in Committee

Future Plans

Additional Information Comments:
An Addendum to this report will be filed after the Spring 1996 meetings which are scheduled to take place on June 4-5, 1996.

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