Millersville University, Faculty Senate

To: Faculty Senate
From: Joel B. Piperberg, Chair, Academic Standards Committee
Date: July 11, 1996

1995-96 Report of the Academic Standards Committee

1. The Academic Standards Committee met on June 4 and 5, 1996 from 8:30 AM until 5:00 PM to hear the appeals of those students dismissed at the end of the Spring 1996 semester. The following table summarizes the results for this semester. The results include one case heard later in the summer due to scheduling difficulties for the student involved. These cases were heard by Joel Piperberg and Mariano Gonzalez.

Categories Number (Percentage)
Total number of dismissals 136
Total number of appeals 67 (49% of dismissals)
Number of appeals granted 43 (64% of appeals)
Number of dismissals upheld 24 (36% of appeals)

Following appeals, 93 students still remain in dismissal status.


A. Race and Gender Data*

54 (39.7%) females 82 (60.3%) males 83 (70%) white 29 (21%) minorities

B. Total Credits Earned by Students Dismissed*

45 (33%) 0-29 credits
55 (40%) 30-59 credits
29 (21%) 60-89 credits
6 (4%)
1 (0.7%) >120 credits
C. School/Major of Students Dismissed*
# (%) of Students School Mode Major
59 (43%) HMSS BUAD (24)
28 (21%) SCMA BIOL/CSCI (7/7)
16 (12%) EDUC ITEC, OSHM, EDTE (8)
33 (24%) NONE UND

*Data were provided by the Registrar's Office.

Every student received verbal notification of the Committee's decision immediately following their hearing and a formal (written notification approximately one week later from the Committee Chairperson. Students whose appeals were granted received recommendations appropriate to their needs (e.g., counseling, academic advisement, career planning, repeating courses, etc.) in order to assist them in quickly reestablishing a satisfactory academic standing.

2. The Committee also heard five requests for readmission to the University under the terms of the Academic Amnesty policy. Four requests were approved by the Committee and notification of the Committee's approval was sent to the Registrar. One request was denied because the student had not been away from the University for the full five year period.

3. Since the June meetings, one belated appeal has been heard by Joel Piperberg and Mariano Gonzalez. The appeal was granted and appears in the table above.


FALL 1989-FALL 1995

Term No. Dismissed* No. Appeals No. Appeals Approved No. Final Dismissals**
FA89 -- -- -- 90
FA90 120 -- -- 72
FA91 117 59 33 83
FA92 112 37 72
FA93 105 44 37 72
FA94 118 55 36 77
FA95 117 55 32 79

Term No. Dismissed* No. Appeals No. Appeals Approved No. Final Dismissals**
SP90 139 -- 32 97
SP91 124 59 27 97
SP92 98 51 32 60
SP93 117 63 45 64
SP94 120 63 46 70
SP95 128 63 46 79
SP96 136 66 42 94

*Number of students initially identified as subject to dismissal.
**Number of students currently on registration probation table with dismissal code for term indicated

Report compiled for M. Gonzalez by P. Koenig

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