Millersville University, Faculty Senate

Admission, Advisement, and Student Affairs Committee

1997-1998 Annual Report

Submitted 5/5/98 by Joseph F. Lynch, Chair

97-98 Members Representing Term Expires
Steve Thompson, Geog Faculty Member 1999
Delray Schultz, Math Faculty Member 1999
Paul Belgrade, Eng Faculty Member 1998
Len Litowitz, ITEC Faculty Member 1998
Beverly Schneller, Eng Faculty Member 1998
Mary Ann Gray-Schlegel, El. Ed. Faculty Member 2000
Audrey Kirchner, El. Ed. Faculty Member 2000
Joseph Lynch, Cns. & Hum. Dev. Chair/Senator 2000
Melissa DiNofia (student) Student Senator
Robert Sempsey (student) Student Senator

(Called as needed to address pertinent issues involving Admissions, Advisement, and Student Affairs.)

11/10/97: Committee met with Dr. Judi Roller to discuss Enrollment Management issues.
12/11/97: Follow-up/continuation of discussion with Dr. Roller on Enrollment Management issues.
5/1/98: Committee met with Dr. Robert Thomas to discuss Greek Life Freshman Rush issues.

Motions forwarded to Senate:

Other deliberations/actions: (not requiring Senate approval)
11/10/97: Dr. Judi Roller asked to meet with committee to receive committee/faculty input on issues which were being discussed in the Enrollment Management Steering Committee. Committee suggested taking discussion to Faculty Senate meeting on December 2, 1997.

12/11/97: Follow-up/continuation of discussion with Dr Roller on Enrollment Management issues. A discussion regarding the dissatisfaction of students regarding class availability and the registration process occurred. No further actions were taken. Dr. Lynch, chair, attended February 2, 1998 meeting of the Enrollment Management Steering Committee to hear Dr. Roller's interim report. No further committee meetings were set on this topic.

5/1/98: Dr. Robert Thomas asked to meet with committee to receive input on proposal to allow Millersville University fraternities and sororities to rush first semester freshmen under specific circumstances. (Original practice was to only allow second semester frehmen to be included in Greek rush.) A first semester freshman with a predicted GPA (based on SAT scores and high school percentile rank) of at least 2.5 would be eligible for membership in a fraternity or sorority that meets minimal requirements set by MU. Discussion proceeded and yielded support from the committee based on sound investigation of committee chaired by Dr. Susan Luek to investigate this proposal and a two year trial period. Dr. Thomas will report results back to committee.

Matters currently in committee:

Additional Information/Comments:
It was suggested that in the beginning of each semester the committee members be surveyed for their possible meeting times for that semester. Then a set time could be designated which all members could make if a meeting were to be called. Chair agreed to carry out idea for 98-99 academic year.

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