Millerville University, Faculty Senate

Committee on Centrally Administered Cooperative Education/Internship Programs

1994-1995 Annual Report

Submitted May 2, 1995 by Bill Dorman, Chairperson

The faculty senate committee on Cooperative Education met three times each semester. We are currently reviewing several policy changes, including academic requirements. These changes will come to senate during the 1995-96 academic year.

The enclosed statistics were compiled by the Co-op Office. They tell an incredible success story. But the numbers are only one part of the story of coop. Co-op serves several important purposes. First, it operates as a bridge for students between their academics and the professional world. It provides students with practical applications of their coursework. in that role, it is an integral part of the curriculum. At every orientation for prospective students in the Department of Communication and Theatre, at least one parent asks about opportunities available for internships. It is clearly a recruiting tool. It is also a vital public relations tool for the University. Countless students are acting as ambassadors, from some 25 academic departments. They represent us in a unique and tangible "outcome assessment" that gives both the students and the employers testimony of the value of an education at Millersville. The Co-op/Internship program is also an important way for alumni to keep in touch with the University. It has provided a forum for recent alumni to give something back to Millersville. Placing students in companies with Millersville alumni has been an excellent way to foster continued professional contacts.

The financial gains for students have been astounding. the job opportunities have been plentiful, and the educational benefits are very impressive. The co-op/internship program has made great improvements in the past five years to become an integral part of the curriculum for a wide array of departments.


The Cooperative Education program is in the fifth year of a five year administrative Title VII grant. The University received $477,119 during the course of this grant. the final reporting will not take place until information from Summer placements is reported, however, to date the following information is known.

The grant goal was to enroll 872 students through Spring 1995. We have exceeded that goal by 31% registering 1142 students for academic credit through Spring 1995.

Information gathered from the Fall 1994 enrollment of 74 is representative of the Co-op program during the academic year. The full-time/part-time ratio reverses during the summer, and fewer students accept unpaid positions.

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