Millersville University, Faculty Senate

Graduate Course and Program Review Committee

1997-1998 Annual Report

Submitted 5-14-94 by Rick Kerper, Chairperson

97-98 Members Representing Term Expires
Ronald Sykes Art
Daniel Yocum Biological Sciences
Charles Scharnberger Earth Science
Michael Dianna Elementary Education
Robert Carballo English
Fred Oppenheimer Foreign Languages
Jack Cassidy Gifted Education
Saulius Suziedelis History
Bernard Schroeder Mathematics
Ruth Davis Nursing
Mary Ann Gray-Schlegel Reading Education
Ruth Benns-Suter Psychology & School Counseling
Ed Ottinger Special Education
Joseph McCade Technology Education
Dennis Downey Graduate School
Mike Farrell Graduate Student Org.
Lori Ramp Graduate Student Org.
Richard Kerper (chair) 1998

Last Wednesday of month, 3-5 PM; average attendance = 10 members

Motions forwarded to Senate:
2-3-98 Approval of new course, BIOL 663 Virology
2-17-98 Approval of new course, EDUC 533 Nonfiction Literature and Literacy
3-3-98 Approval of new course, BIOL 628 Plant Morphogenesis
3-3-98 Approval of new course, NURS 560 School Nursing
3-17-98 Approval of new course, NURS 541 Managing the Health Care Organization
3-17-98 Approval of new course, NURS 542 Health Care Management

Other deliberations/actions: Joint subcommittee of GCPRC and Teacher Education Council (TEC) formed to work out differences on proposal to change the M.Ed. Core Curriculum

Review of graduate student admission procedures resulted in motion passed: Departments will determine students admission status and the admission letter, indicating that status, will be sent from the Graduate School office.

A study of grading systems at other graduate schools in MUs comparison group by the ad hoc committee and a general review of the A, B, C, F grading policy for graduate students determined that no compelling reasons to change the grading system exists at this time.

Matters currently in committee:
1. Need for topics numbers at graduate level in departments without them.
2. New course approval for ECON 546 Economics of Health and Health Care

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