Millersville University, Faculty Senate

General Education Curriculum

Program Review

May 1996

II. Quality of the Program

E. Environmental Trends Affecting Program

It is clear that General Education is under scrutiny in American higher education. A recent report by the National Association of Scholars ("The Dissolution of General Education: 1914-1993") criticizes the decline of rigor and the decrease in specificity of general education curricula. At the same time, individual disciplines at times seem to almost resent the lost of credit hours to an area they may not see as directly providing knowledge in their field or background for it. On the other hand, many employers characterize parts of general education as specifically those areas that cannot be provided by on-the-job training. They request students who can communicate orally and in writing, who can think critically, who can cooperate with others, and who can integrate several disciplines, among other traits. The current Millersville general education curriculum succeeds at least partially in satisfying these diverse demands. It does need to articulate its accomplishments more clearly and to measure progress in student abilities.

Quality of the Program
...|Design |Faculty |Student Outcomes |Administration of the General Education Program
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