Millersville University, Faculty Senate

Ad Hoc Honor Code Committee

2000-01 Annual Report

Submitted 5/1/01 by Kathleen V. Schreiber, Chair

2000-2001 Members
(elected by faculty senate)
K. Schreiber, Chair Geography
J. McLarnon History
J. Rudden Elem & Early Childhood Education
S. Hoffman Elem & Early Childhood Education
J. Craven English
J. Miller Philosophy
J. George Library
G. Nesbitt Wellness and Sports Science
C. Phillips Academic Programs and Services
E. Blazer Business
J. Mone Biology

About 6 meetings were held in each of the fall and spring semesters. Discussion focused around 1) current policies on academic integrity at 'focus' universities and other SSHE schools, 2) development of the 'Options toward Academic Integrity at MU', 3) preparations for the fall faculty forum, 4) solicitation of feedback from students and faculty on the appropriateness of an honor code at MU and other integrity issues, 5) issues in current MU policy toward academic dishonesty, 6) plans for spring convocation and choice of convocation speaker, 7) development of both student 'focus' discussion groups and an on-line survey to provide in-depth information on student attitudes toward integrity, and 8) planning for the 2002-2003 academic theme ( 'A Commitment to Honor and Excellence').

Motions forwarded to Senate:
12/05/00 - Recommendation to extend to spring 2002 the due date of the committee's recommendation on the feasibility and advisability of an honor code at MU. This was proposed due to the decision to hold an integrity-centered spring convocation to solicit additional feedback from faculty and students. The convocation would delay action on developing the recommendation. The motion passed unanimously.

Other deliberations/actions:
Fall Faculty Forum
Academic Integrity-Centered Spring Convocation
Proposed 2002-2003 Academic Theme

Matters currently in committee:
Meeting with 'focus' discussion groups; getting academic integrity survey on line.

Future Plans:
Starting in the fall, the committee will be focusing intently on its recommendation to Senate related to the feasibility and advisability of an honor code at MU, and the associated policy elements.

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