Millersville University, Faculty Senate

Ad Hoc Honor Code Committee

2001-02 Annual Report

Submitted 5/14/02 by Kathleen V. Schreiber, Chair

2001-2002 Members
(elected by faculty senate)
K. Schreiber, Chair Geography
J. Rudden Elem. & Early Childhood Education
S. Hoffman Elem. & Early Childhood Education
J. Craven English
J. Miller Philosophy
J. George Library
E. Blazer Business
J. Mone Biology
J. Bray School of Education

About 5 meetings were held in the fall semester, and 8 in the spring. This year was spent on finalizing the honor code recommendation, and writing up the 'Proposed Millersville University Honor System Consitution' and its by-laws.

Motions forwarded to Senate:

Other deliberations/actions:
The Honor Code Committee recommendation was presented to Faculty Senate on April 16. The recommendation detailed policy for an honor system incorporating the following elements: optional pledge on student work; encouraged but not required student reporting of observations of student dishonesty; development of an honor council responsible for developing a culture of academic integrity on campus; and creation of an honor court, consisting of students, faculty, and one administrator, for adjudication of alleged cases of academic dishonesty. The committee noted that further campus-wide discussion of the recommendation may warrant some changes to the proposed policy.

At the May 7th meeting, results of the student academic integrity survey were presented to senate. At the request of a senator, an email summary of the results will be distributed in the fall.

Matters currently in committee:

Future Plans:
Meeting as necessary to address faculty/administrative concern for recommendation.

Additional Information Comments:

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