Millersville University, Faculty Senate

Joint Senate Conference Committee

1994-95 Annual Report

Submitted 5/2/95 by Susan Luek, Chairperson

94-95 Members Representing Term expires
Dr. Susan Luek, PSYC (Chair) 1995
Dr. William Dorman, COMM Fac. Senate 1995
Dr. Fritz Erickson, EDFND Fac. Senate 1995
Dr. Joseph Lynch, CNS&HUMDEV Fac. Senate 1995
Ms. Terri Cawley Stu. Senate 1995
Mr. Jeremy Haugh Stu. Senate 1995
Mr. Hy Tang Stu. Senate 1995

As necessary, ie.e., when issues arise that are germane to both the Faculty Senate and the Student Senate. (The first one in many years was held last academic year on 3/29/94. This academic year, the only meeting occurred on 3/28/95, with Ms. Marge Trout, Chairperson of the Student Leadership Task Force, in attendance.)

Motions forwarded to Senate:
All four of the following were passed by Senate on 4/18/95:
    (1) Student members shall have voting privileges on Faculty Senate committees and notation of these privileges shall be included in the Governance Manual.
    (2) At least one student alternate shall be added to each Faculty Senate committee
    (3) All student terms on Faculty Senate committees shall be extended to two years.
    (4) The chairperson of each Faculty Senate committee shall submit to the chairperson of the Joint Senate Conference Committee his/her committee's recommendation regarding the optimal number of student members/alternates on the committee.
Other deliberations/actions:
In addition to the four motions noted above, the committee endorsed four recommendations that were presented to both the Faculty and Student Senates.
    (1) Student terms on Faculty Senate committees will be for the academic calendar year (i.e., the beginning of September through the end of August).
    (2) At the suggestion of the Student Leadership Task Force, the Joint Senate Conference Committee discussed and endorsed the concept of student team leaders for Faculty Senate committees.
    (3) Students should be made aware that membership on Faculty Senate committees is not limited to Student Senate members
    (4) Descriptive information about Faculty Senate committees should be available to students to facilitate their choosing to serve on Faculty Senate committees that reflect their own personal interests.
Matters currently in committee:
The committee chairperson is currently receiving recommendations from other Faculty Senate committee chairpersons regarding the optimal number of student members and alternates for Faculty Senate committees. She will pass this information to the incoming chairperson, Dr. Joel Piperberg.

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