Millersville University, Faculty Senate

University Honors Program Committee

1994-95 Annual Report

Submitted 5/2/95 by Susan Luek, Chairperson

94-95 Members Representing Term expires
Dr. Susan Luek, PSYC (Chair) 1995
Dr. John Osborne, HIST/UHP UHP (ex officio)
Dr. James Stager, AC. AFF. Provost (ex officio)
Mr. Leonard Ragouzeos, ART Humanities 1995
Dr. Liliana Zancu, ENGL Humanities 1995
Dr. Patrick McCaskey, BUAD Social Science 1996
Dr. Mary Glazier, SOCY Social Science 1996
Dr. Dorothee Blum, MATH Science & Math 1996
Dr. Carolyn Yoder, CHEM Science & Math 1995
Dr. Dennis Denenberg, EDFN Education 1995
Dr. Mary Ann Gray-Schlegel, ELED Education 1995
Mrs. Elaine Pease, LIBRARY Non-School Fac. 1995
Ms. Christine Cassel Student Senate 1995
Mr. Scott Matey UHP Students 1996

Approximately three or four per year; average attendance = 11 members.

Motions forwarded to Senate:
None this academic year.

Other deliberations/actions:
Matters currently in committee:
Discussion of recent comprehensive evaluation and distribution/consideration of University Honors Program evaluation report written by Drs. Osborne and Luek. (These matters will occur at the next meeting, scheduled for 5/9/95.)

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