Millersville University, Faculty Senate

University Honors Program Committee

2000-01 Annual Report

Submitted 5/1/01 by Richard A. Glenn, Chair

00-01 Membership: Term expires
Dr. Richard Glenn, Government 2001
Professor Scott Anderson, Library 2001
Dr. Joseph Galante, Business Administration 2002
Ms. Molly Haas, University Honors Program 2001
Dr. Tanya Kevorkian, History 2002
Dr. Susan Luek, ex officio
Former Chair of UHPC, Psychology
Dr. Linda McDowell, Educational Foundations 2001
Dr. Steven Miller, ex officio
Director of the University Honors Program, English
Dr. Anita Renfroe, Music 2001
Dr. Lucinda Ridley, Special Education 2001
Dr. Beverly Skinner, ex officio
Director of the Summer Minority Honors Program, English
Dr. Ronald Umble, Mathematics 2002
Dr. John Wallace, Biology 2001
Dr. Darla Williams, Communication & Theatre 2001

Six meetings were held during the academic year. Average attendance was eight members.

Motions forwarded to Senate:
One motion was forwarded to the Senate. According to the Honors Program Academic Requirements, students are required to take a minimum of two honors courses in each of the following academic areas: Humanities and Fine Arts (G1); Science and Mathematics (G2); and Social Sciences (G3). On Tuesday, October 31, 2000, the Undergraduate Honors Program Committee unanimously recommended a proposal that deleted the above requirement, effective for those students graduating May 2001 and thereafter. The change simplifies and streamlines the requirements, giving students more freedom to choose while maintaining core requirements of Calculus, Lab Science, Literary & Intellectual Traditions, and Perspectives with Honors designation. The deletion of this requirement has no effect whatsoever on the general education distribution required of all students. Moreover, all honors students are still required to take no less than one honors course in each of the academic areas. The motion was approved by the faculty senate.

Other deliberations/actions:
Professor Scott Anderson created something akin to a web page for the members of the committee.

The committee approved three honors courses for the Fall Semester 2001: HUMN 205, HUMN 305, and PHYS 302.

Matters currently in committee:


Future Plans:

Additional Information:

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