Millersville University, Faculty Senate

University Theme Committee

1995-1996 Annual Report

Submitted 5/7/96 by Joel B. Piperberg, Chair

1995-1996 Members Department Term Expires
J. Piperberg, Chair, elected from Faculty Senate Biology 1997
D. Denenberg Educ. Foundations 1997
S. Lotlikar Library 1998
B. Nakhai Business Administration 1997
B. Schneller English 1998
D. Schultz Mathematics 1998
S. Little Student Affairs (ex officio)
Joseph Choi Student
Matt Huber Student
Jon Dale Student

2 meetings during the academic year. Nor formal minutes were taken at any of the meetings. Average attendance was 5 members.

Motions Forwarded to Senate:
Recommendation to select as the 1999-2000 academic theme "Achievements Throughout the 20th Century". Motion to be approved by Faculty Senate.

Other Deliberations and Actions:
The Committee solicited from Faculty, Staff and students suggestions for the 1999-2000 Academic Theme. Five suggestions were received. The titles listed below and copies of the original proposals are attached to this report:

Theme Proposer
1. Leadership for the 21st Century Nancy Smith (Educational Foundations
2. Technology--Everything Is the Result of Manufacturing John Hibberd (Industry & Technology)
3. ARTS 2000: a community of pARTnerships Micheal Houlahan (Music)
4. World Cultures and the Global Village Micheal Houlahan (Music)
5. Achievements Throughout the 20th Century Sondra Groves--student (President, American Society for Safety Engineering). To be headed by Paul Specht (Industry & Technology) and Robert Coley (Library).

The Committee met or conferred with the proposers of all five themes to hear their ideas about the intended focus of and events related to their themes. After a lengthy deliberation, the Committee decided that despite five solid themes, we would select only one theme this year. Since the "Achievements Throughout the 20th Century" theme originally had a student proposer who would not be here in 1999-2000, it was necessary to assemble a faculty steering committee to preside over the theme. Paul Specht (Industry & Technology) and Robert Coley (Library) have agreed to head the theme. The proposers of the other themes may also participate on the steering committee of this theme.

Joel Piperberg has met a few times with the Steering Committee (co-chairs Marvin Margolis and Beverly Schneller) of the 1996-1997 Academic Theme (Preparing for the 21st Century) and serves on that Committee in an advisory capacity.

Matters Currently in Committee:
There has been some discussion during Committee meetings about the possibility of release time for the chairs/co-chairs of annual theme committees due to the immense time commitment required for overseeing such a lengthy and complex program. No formal action has yet been taken on this matter and discussion will continue next year.

Future Plans:
Next year, the Committee will solicit suggestions for the 2000-2001 Academic Theme and monitor the progress of other themes presently in preparation. As mentioned above, discussions about the possibility of release time for annual theme co-chairs will be discussed further.

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