Millersville University, Faculty Senate

University Theme Committee

1997-1998 Annual Report

Submitted 5/5/98 by Joel B. Piperberg, Chair

1997-1998 Members Department Term Expires
J. Piperberg, Chair
elected from Faculty Senate
Biology 2000
D. Denenberg Educ. Foundations 2000
B. Nakhai Business Administration 2000
B. Schneller English 1998
D. Schultz Mathematics 1998
I. Wheeler Counseling/Human Development 1998
Jennifer Adams Student
Tanya Murphy Student

Two meetings were held during the academic year (10/20/97 and 4/10/98). The first meeting served as a discussion of the procedure for writing a handbook containing hints for those selected to administer an annual theme. Its composition was suggested by Provost McNairy. The handbook, currently in draft form, will be finished during the Summer of 1998. The second meeting consisted of meetings with the proposers of themes for 2001-2002 (see below). No formal minutes were taken at either meeting. Average attendance was 5 members.

Motions Forwarded to Senate:
4/21/98--Recommendation to select as the 2001-2002 academic theme "A World of Diversity in Our Own Backyard."
Motion approved by Faculty Senate.

Other Deliberations and Actions:
1. The Committee solicited from Faculty, Staff and students suggestions for the 2001-2002 Academic Theme. Three suggestions were received. The titles are listed below and copies of the original proposals are attached to this report:

Theme Proposer
Unity Through Diversity Rita Smith-Wade-El (Psychology)
Biodiversity Daniel Yocom (Biology)
A World of Cultures in Our Own Backyard Jamie Byrne (Communication and Theatre)

The Committee met and conferred with the proposers of all three themes to hear their ideas about the intended focus of and events related to their themes and decided to recommend to the Faculty Senate for the 2001-2002 Academic Theme "A World of Diversity in Our Own Backyard" (proposed by Jamie Byrne). The Committee also encouraged the other proposers to resubmit their proposals in the future since both were considered to be strong proposals.

Matters Currently in Committee:
The University Theme Handbook mentioned above is in draft form. It is our hope that it will be completed over the Summer and ready for distribution.

Future Plans:
Next year, the Committee will solicit suggestions for the 2002-2003 Academic Theme and monitor the progress of other themes presently in preparation.

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