Millersville University, Faculty Senate
To: Dr. Joel Piperberg
From: Micheal Houlahan
Date: February 24, 1996

I would like to propose two themes for your committee. I do not have the time to present you with an in-depth proposal but I would be very happy to work with you if you want more information. If you do consider any of these proposals I would be very happy to serve on your committee.

Proposal A:

I think that it might be of interest for Millersville Academic community to explore the role of the arts in society. This is a theme that can be explored by several disciplines. For example:

1. Inviting Howard Gardner, to explain his research pertaining to Multiple Intelligence and how music and art should be conisdered one of the intelligences. what are the implications for education? Exploring the notion of creativity.

2. Inviting the president of the National Endowment, Jane Alexander, to present a lecture on the role of the arts in society going into the twenty first century.

3. Inviting a journalist such as Bernard Holland, New York Times, to begin to discuss the future of the arts or what is art?

4. Inviting musicians, dancers and artists to discuss their work followed by a concert or an exhibition.

5. Important discussions could focus on the role of government in supporting the arts.

6. Censorship and the arts.

7. Inviting arts organizations from the community to begin a dialogue on the role of the arts in the community.

Proposal for the 2000-2001 University Theme


This theme would focus on making the knowledge we have in/from our various disciplines available to the public in an accessible and useable way. Its aim is to provide practical solutions to human social problems, which are defined in the broadest sense to include issues in society (community, conflict resolution, violence, health care, education, etc.), politics (domestic and international), environment, and global commerce among others that could be identified.

This theme could involve, at a minimum, the following departments: biology, business, communication, computer science, earth sciences, economics, foreign languages, geography, industry and technology, nursin, political science, psychology, social work, sociology/anthropology, as well as the various education departments.

The theme could provide information to faculty about skills necessary to take their knowledge public and develop forums for the seminars/workshops that faculty could offer, in addition to speakers and other types of events focused on these issues.

Another important dimension would be a strong focus on service learning: involving students in our "public" work through co-op experience and volunteering. It could have a strong component of Millersville University faculty and students working with area organizations, agencies, businesses, and government to analyze issues and to solve problems.

Submitted by Marlene Arnold, cumberland House, x 3884
February 17, 1997

February 6, 1997

Joel Piperberg
Biology Dept.
Roddy Science


Below is a suggestion for the 2000-2001 University theme. It may not be all that new or even that good, but it's a suggestion.

Truth With Compassion

A university education calls us first to seek and live the truth with honesty and perseverance, no matter where the search may lead us, no matter what stand it may ask us to take and no matter what change it may ask us to undergo.

A university education calls us also to be people of compassion, to see our brother or our sister in each person we encounter, to be in solidarity with all of our brothers and sisters throughout life's journey, and to be faithful in nurturing, protecting and defending their life, their freedom, their growth and their dignity always and everywhere.

A true university education calls us to be people of both truth and compassion: compassion without truth will deteriorate into sentimentality and work against justice; truth without compassion will become harsh and work against peace. Truth and compassion are not only essential for a meaningful university education, but they must be integrated goals and processes if our education is to bear good fruit that will last.


John Lembo
(Ext. 3827)
Byerly Hall

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