Millersville University, Faculty Senate

Action Summary

20 September 1994

1. The Chairperson ruled against the Snapper's request to record senate meetings based on a senator's objection.
2. Faculty Emeritus Status
The senate recommended faculty emeritus status for Professors Dorothy P. Beam, Carol J. Myers and Jean M. Romig, all from the Music Department. It also recommended Professor Reynold Koppel of the History Department for emeritus status.
3. Approved Courses
Senate approved COMM 206: Communication and Media Law, a new three-credit non-General Education course to be first offered Fall 1994. It also approved ENGL 335: Journalism through Women's Perspectives, a new three-credit Perspectives (P) course to be first offered Fall 1994.
4. Renumbering of Communications Courses
Senate approved a change in course numbering for COMM 302: Business and Professional Speech to COMM 305.
5. Faculty Elections
For the position in the academic policies committee for non-School, senate elected S. Anderson from the Library.
For the position in the general education review committee for Science and Mathematics representative, senate elected B. Zimmerman.
For the position in the undergraduate course and program review committee from Science and Mathematics, the senate elected S. Turchi.
For the position in the Commencement speaker committee for the non-School position the senate approved C. Glass.
6. Department of Elementary and Early Childhood Education's Proposal to Accept Honors Thesis for Advanced Composition Requirement
Senate approved that the three-hour thesis written as a requirement for Departmental Honors in the Department of Elementary and Early Childhood Education be counted as fulfilling the University Advanced Composition requirement.
7. Academic Outcomes Assessment Plan
Senate approved the Academic Outcomes Assessment Committee's motion with the exception of a change of date for submitting proposals from May 25, 1994 to an unspecified date in the future.
8. Motion to Amend Governance Manual, p. 18, #21, Section 2b.
Senate deleted Function 2b (GM, p. 18) of the Academic Outcomes Assessment Committee. The motion eliminated an overlap between the Academic Outcome Assessment Committee and the General Education Review Committee.

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