Millersville University, Faculty Senate

Action Summary

1 November 1994

1. Program Proposals
Senate agreed to waive the three meeting for a proposal for a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) Degree and to consider the proposal at the next meeting. Senate also agreed to waive the three meeting rule for a Proposed Revision of the Masters in Mathematics Education Degree Program and to consider the proposal at the next meeting.
2. Approved Courses
ART 244: Typography, a new three-credit non-General Education course to be first offered Spring 1995.
3. Faculty Emeritus
Senate recommended Dr. Austin G. Quick to be Professor of Industry and Technology emeritus and Mr. Clark E. Taylor to be Associate Professor of Mathematics emeritus.
4. Motion Concerning an Admission to the Major Policy
Senate moved to postpone action on the motion concerning an Admission to the Major policy until the first meeting of the spring 1995 semester. At that time D. Eidam will submit a written report answering questions about the implications of the motion.

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