Millersville University, Faculty Senate

Action Summary

15 November 1994

1. Senate waived the three meeting rule for two courses.
Senate agreed to waive the three meeting for:
ESCI 425: Geodynamics, a new three-credit non-General Education course to be first offered in the Spring of 1995 if approved.
ESCI449: Radar Meteorology, a new three-credit hour non-General Education course to be first offered in the Spring of 1995 if approved.
2. Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) Degree
Senate approved a proposal for a master of Science in Nursing (MSN) Degree
3. Revision of the Masters in Mathematics Education Degree Program
Senate approved a Proposed Revision of the Masters in Mathematics Education Degree Program.
4. Declaration of Science and Language Arts Options
Senate approved two new declarations of science and language arts options.
5. Motion Concerning Retention in the Major Policy
Senate amended the Retention-in-the-Major Policy motion by removing the sentence "Departments reserve the right to dismiss students from the major for non-academic reasons" from the sixth paragraph. It also decided to postpone action on the amended original motion until the December 6, 1994, meeting. Finally, it returned the completion-of-th-Major motion to the next meeting's agenda.
6. Motion to Place Academic Policies Committee Motion on Top of the Next Meeting's Business Agenda
Senate agreed to place two Academic Policies Committee motions at the top of the December 6, 1994, meeting business agenda.

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