Millersville University, Faculty Senate

Action Summary

7 February 1995

1. Course Approvals
Senate approved one course:
ENGL337: Women Writers in the Middle Ages, a new three credit hour perspectives course to be first offered in the summer of 1995.
2. Elections
Senate elected D. Eidam as chairperson for the 1995-1996 year, J. Piperberg as vice-chairperson for the 1995-1996 year, and M. Margolis as Secretary for the 1995-1996 year. It also elected M. Warmkessel for a three year term beginning in the Fall of 1995 as chairperson of University Honors Program Committee. Finally, it elected A. Borger-Reese for a three year term beginning in the Fall of 1995 as chairperson of the International Studies Selection Committee
3. Motion Concerning Retention in the Major Policy
Senate amended the Retention-in-the-Major Policy motion by removing the fifth paragraph from the motion (the paragraph beginning "Departments should review..."

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