Millersville University, Faculty Senate

Action Summary

21 February 1995

1. Course Approvals
ELED371: Teaching Gifted and Able Students, an existing three credit hour non-General Education Course adding a Writing (W) label in the Spring of 1995.
EDUC430: Teaching Reading Through Writing, an existing three credit hour non-General Education Course adding a Writing (W) label in the Spring of 1995.
PSCI231: "Classics in Political Theory," an existing three credit course requesting General Education designation retroactive to the Fall of 1994.
BUAD455: Strategic Management, an existing three credit hour non General Education course adding a Writing (W) label retroactive to the Fall of 1994.
2. Elections
Senate elected A. Gantt as a School of Social Science replacement representative to the Academic Policies Committee to fill a term that ends August 1995.
3. General Education Review Proposal
Senate approved the separation of CQ course designations into separate C and/or Q categories.
4. International Business Certificate Program
Senate approved an International Business Certificate Program to be first offered in the Fall of 1994.
5. Motions Concerning Admission to- and Retention in the Major Policy
Senate amended the Admission to the Major motion to eliminate the sentence, "Admission to the major must be based on multiple selection criteria." It also added the word "special" to the next sentence, "All (special) departmental admissions requirements must be in writing and kept current." It passed the amended Admission to the Major motion. Senate amended the Retention-in-the-Major Policy motion by changing the word "new" to "additional" in the second paragraph of the motion. It passed the Retention in the Major motion.

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