Millersville University, Faculty Senate

Action Summary

4 April 1995

1. Course Approvals
NURS360: Transcultural Nursing Care, a new three credit hour course to be first offered in the Fall of 1995.
BIOL446: Ecosystems, a new three credit hour writing course to be first offered in the Spring of 1996.
JAPN201: Intermediate Japanese I, a new three credit hour General Education and C course to be first offered in the Fall of 1995.
JAPN202: Intermediate Japanese II, a new three credit hour General Education and C course to be first offered in the Fall of 1995.
COMM324: Organizational Communications II, a three-credit, new, non-General Education course effective Fall 1994.
2. Faculty Emeritus
Senate recommended John Ellsworth Winter for Professor of Philosophy Emeritus and Ray K. Hacker for Associate Professor of Librrianship Emeritus.
3. Motion Concerning Completion of the Major
Senate approved a new main motion Completion of the Major policy. It will substitute for the current policy concerning completion of the major as stated in the Governance Manual.

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