Millersville University, Faculty Senate

Action Summary

20 February 1996

1. Course and Program Approvals
Senate approved one undergraduate course and one minor:
CHEM476: Environmental Chemistry II, a four credit hour nongeneral education course to be first offered in the Spring of 1997.
Minor in Biochemistry: a 25.0 hour new minor program
2. Faculty Emeritus
Senate recommended Associate Professor of Music John W. Colangelo for faculty emeritus status.
3. Faculty Senate Meetings
Senate approved summer meetings for Tuesday, June 11, 1996, from 4:05-5:45 PM in McComsey's Myers Auditorium. Senate will also meet Thursday, July 11, 1996, from 4:05-5:45 PM, in Roddy 137.
4. Change in Senate Bylaws Concerning Senate Voting Procedures
Senate changed its Bylaws, Section II, subsection C, item 5 (page 20 of Section 1 of the Governance Manual) from the present: "All elections are by ballot." to the following: "All elections are by ballot, except that when there is only one candidate, and in the absence of an objection, election may be by motion and voice vote."
5. The Millersville University Grading System
Senate voted to postpone action on a motion to introduce plus/minus grades until the 2 April 1996 meeting.

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