Millersville University, Faculty Senate

Action Summary

16 April 1996

1. Course and Program Approvals
Senate approved two undergraduate and two graduate courses
BUAD201: Introduction to International Business, a new three credit hour course to be first offered in the Fall of 1996.
BUAD344: International Finance, a new three credit hour course to be first offered in the Fall of 1996.
EDTE591: Experiences in the School-to-Work Transition, a new three credit hour graduate course.
MATH536: Statistical Methods II, a new three credit hour graduate course to be first offered Spring 1996 if approved.
Senate approved the following program change:
Retention-in-the-Major Policy for Earth Science Majors changes to take place for freshment entering Fall 1996.
2. Faculty Emeritus
Senate recommended Professor Joseph L. Rousseau of the Elementary and Early Childhood Education Department for faculty emeritus status.
3. The Millersville University Grading System
Senate approved a plus minus grading system at Millersville University. It approved plus and minus additions on B,C, and D grades and an A minus grade. Senate also decided the numerical value of the pllus and minus grades for QPA purposes (see Attachment C). The values listed in Attachment C are to be rounded to one digit to the right of the decimal point.
4. Proposal for a Change in MU's Withdrawal Policy
Senate approved changes to MU's withdrawal policy (see Attachment A of the 5 March 1996 senate minutes).
5. Graduate Course and Academic Approval Forms
Senate approved new graduate course and academic approval forms.

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