Millersville University, Faculty Senate

Action Summary

7 May 1996

1. Course and Program Approvals
Senate approved two undergraduate courses
ESCI320: Roads West: Geology, Technology, Society and the American Experience, a new three credit hour General Education and Perspective course to be in effect Fall 1995 and to be first offered Fall 1996.
HPED350: Sport in American, a new three credit hour General Education and Writing course to be first offered in Spring 1996.
Senate approved the following program change:
Communications and Theatre Department Curricular Changes: the changes involve corrections to the Department's blue sheets (see Attachment D of the 16 April 1996 senate minutes).
2. Form for Submitting Academic Proposals For Everything Except Undergraduate and Graduate Courses
Senators approved a form for submitting academic proposals for everything except undergraduate and graduate courses.
3. Joint Senate Conference Committee Recommendations For Student Membership On Senate Committees
Senate approved the Joint Senate Conference Committee recommendations for student membership on senate committees.
4. Academic Theme for 1999-2000
Senate approved a University Theme Committee recommendation for a theme for 1999-2000. The theme title is "Achievements Throughout the Twentieth Century." P. Specht, Industry and Technology, and Robert Coley, Ganser Library, will co-chair the theme.

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