Millersville University, Faculty Senate

Action Summary

17 September 1996

Tests and Measurements, a new three credit hour nonGeneral Education course to be first offered in the Spring of 1997.
1. Course and Program Approvals
Senate approved two undergraduate courses:
PSYC356: Health Psychology, a new three credit hour nonGeneral Education course to be first offered in the Spring of 1997.
2. Senate Elections
Academic Policy Committee
Chair: None Education(98): A. Szollos*,PSYC Humanities(97): A. Kelly*, ENGL
General Education Review Committee
Science(98): E. Rajaseelan*, CHEM Social Science(97): E. Guo*, BUAD
International Selection Committee
Alternate(97): D. Shanahan*, GEOG
Commencement Speaker Committee
NonSchool(98): G. Benson*, Library
Noonan Fund
NonSchool(97): None
Academic Policies Committee
NonSchool(98): None Social Sciences(97): R. Glenn*, PSIC
Faculty Student Athletic Committee
Member(99): M. Kelly*, PSYC
Joint Senate Conference Committee
Member/Senator(97): R. Kerper*, ELED
Undergraduate Course and Program Review Committee
Science(98): J. Dooley*, PHYS Social Sciences(97 and 98): None

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