Millersville University, Faculty Senate

Action Summary

1 October 1996

1. Course and Program Approvals
Senate approved one undergraduate course:
PSCI412: Constitutional Law: "CivilRights and Civil Liberties," a new three credit hour nonGeneral Educationcourse to be first offered in the Spring of 1997.
2. Faculty Emeritus
Senate recommended Professor Karl E. Moyerof the Music Department for faculty emeritus status.
3. Senate Elections Results
Academic Policy Committee
Chair: V. Hauck appointed acting chair
Non-School(98): Declared Vacant
Noonan Fund
Non-School(97): E. Pease, Library
Academic Outcome Assessment Committee
Non-School: K. Backels, Counseling and Human Development
Undergraduate Course and Program Review Committee
Social Sciences(97 and 98): Declared Vacant

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