Millersville University, Faculty Senate

Action Summary

4 February 1997

1. Course and Program Approvals
Program Changes
Senate approved the Revision of the Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science and the Changes in Policies for Majors to Complete a BA in Political Science.
Course Approvals
CSCI 435: Compiler Construction, a new four credit hour non General Education Course to be first offered in the Spring 1997.
PHIL 327: Philosophy in Film, a new three credit hour, G1 General Education Label course to be first offered in the Summer of 1997.
2. Election of a Member of the Academic Policies Committee - NonSchool
Senate elected K. Backels to fill a vacant position on the Academic Policies Committee - Nonschool.
3. Election of Faculty Senate Officers
Senate elected D. Eidam for the 1997-1998 academic year as senate chairperson. It elected J. Piperberg as chairperson pro tempore for the 1997-1998 academic year.

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