Millersville University, Faculty Senate
Action Summary
18 November 1997

1. Course Approvals:
ENGL 416: The Woman Writer and Her World
ENGL 418: The Literature of Scotland and Ireland
SPED 433: Current Issues and Trends in Special Education
2. Faculty Emeritus
Approved resolution recommending Professor Gordon Wise for faculty emeritus status.
Approved resolution recommending Professor Paul Talley for faculty emeritus status.
3. Honors Program +/- Grading
Senate approved a motion to change the language of the Governance Manual to indicate that a grade of B- or better must be earned for courses to receive honors credit.
4. Grading for Departmental Honors Projects
Senate approved a motion to change the language of the Governance Manual to indicate that a grade of B- or higher must be earned on deparmtental honors projects.
5. Clarification of Process for Making Major and Minor Changes
Senate approved a motion clairfying the language of the section of the Governance Manual relating to Course and Program Change Procedures in order to clarify the role of the deans in the process and the need to notify Faculty Senate.

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