Millersville University, Faculty Senate
16 February 2000

Programs & Courses:

R. Wismer, Chair, UCPRC,submitted the request that the W. designation for Geography 202 (Resources and the Environment) be removed.

The proposal that 50% Residency requirement for the Criminology Option be established was approved.


The election for the Chair of the Women' Studies Curriculum Committee was placed on the Agenda for the next meeting of the Senate.

General Education Objectives:

Tier I Fundamental Skills - Six Objectives were approved after an M. Rosenthal/A. Borger-Reese motion to amend the wording on item 4c "publicly" to be substituted with "formally" was approved.

Objectives - Tier 11 parts b and c, were placed on the Agenda for discussion at the next meeting of the Senate. On an M. Rosenthal/A. Borger-Reese motion, discussion on part a (Humanities and Fine Arts) was deferred to the Senate meeting on March 16 (see Senate Minutes pp. 4568/69).

Faculty Emeritus:

On a Borger-Reese/Warmkessel motion, Faculty Emeritus Status was recommended for Dr. Robert Ambacher, Department of Foreign Languages.

On a Borger-Reese/Warmkessel motion, Faculty Emeritus Status was recommended for Dr. Fred. E. Oppenheimer, Department of Foreign Languages.

On a Borger-Reese/Stameshkin motion, Faculty Emeritus Status was recommended for Prof Byron R. Detwiler, Department of Foreign Languages.

On a Sciarretta/Dorman motion, Faculty Emeritus Status was recommended for Prof Colin McLeod, Director of Academic Advisement/Chair of Developmental Studies. One "Nay" vote was recorded on this recommendation.

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