Millersville University, Faculty Senate

Action Summary

5 October 1999

Academic Policies Committee

Proposal #1. The wording on Grade Book Retention Policy developed at the meeting on September 21 was passed by the Senate: This wording of the policy as passed reads:

For all undergraduate courses, faculty shall maintain a detailed record of how the final grade for each student was determined. This record must be kept for one year beyond the completion of a course. Upon termination of employment or when leaving the University for sabbatical or any other type of leave, faculty must submit those grade records to the appropriate department chair.


After much discussion, the senate passed a D. Eidam/B. Dorman amendment to change the wording in the Governance Manual, Section 3, Academic Standards, Probation and Dismissal, paragraph 2. Originally, the policy that was amended read as follows:

"Academic Probation

While on probation, students are not allowed to pre-register (register) for winter and/or pre-summer sessions, unless they have permission of Academic Support Services."

After the policy was amended, it was passed. The amended policy now reads:

Academic Policies

While on probation, students are not allowed to pre-register (register) for winter and/or pre-summer sessions, unless they have the permission of the academic advisor or his/her designee "

An addition to the above policy had been proposed; it read:

"Additionally, such students are not allowed to pre-register (register) for more than 4 courses or 13 credits, whichever is less, in any term, session or semester."

After significant discussion, the Senate agreed to send the proposed addition back to the Academic Policies Committee to iron out some of the difficulties pointed out during the discussion.

Elections: Since there were non-senator nominees for three committee chairmanships, a B. Dorman/J. Lynch motion to suspend Senate rules requiring senator chairs for these committees was approved. Following the nominations of R. France (Math), D. Schultz (Math) and R. Frerichs (Ed. Found) to the chairmanships of the Academic Policies Committee, the University Theme Committee and the Faculty-Student Athletic Committee, respectively, the nominations were closed. A motion to instruct the Secretary to cast a ballot for each of the nominees was passed and they were elected.

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