Millersville Unviersity, Faculty Senate

Action Summary

Faculty Senate Minutes

February 15, 2000

Having previously reviewed the proposal at an earlier meeting to change the Department of Health and Physical Education's name to Wellness and Sport Sciences, a motion was moved and seconded. The result was a unanimous decision to change the name. Chairperson Piperberg's proposal to create the Ad Hoc Honor Code Committee along with its suggested composition was moved and seconded. The amendment passed unanimously. An amendment to the proposal that suggested the addition of representation from the Academic Polices Committee was moved and seconded. The amendment passed unanimously. Another amendment specifying election of the Chairperson of the Ad Hoc Honor Code Committee from the Senate membership as opposed to possible appointment of the Chair by the Faculty Senate Chairperson was moved and seconded. This amendment passed unanimously. The proposed charge to the Committee was moved and seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

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