Millersville University, Faculty Senate

Action Summary

Faculty Senate Minutes

March 7, 2000

  1. A motion was moved and seconded to waive the one-meeting rule and vote on the Foreign Language proposal requesting a reduction in the number of courses required for the M.A. and M.Ed. in French, German, and Spanish to a maximum of 11 three-credit courses. The change would go into effect Spring of 2000. The vote succeeded by majority consent with one objection. The proposal was thus approved.

  2. A resolution to grant Dr. William Schotta the title of Professor of Industry and Technology was moved, seconded, and passed.

  3. Nominations were requested for Chairperson of the Ad Hoc Honor Code Committee. Dr. Kathy Schreiber was nominated for this position. Dr. Jeri Miller, Dr. Jill Craven, and Dr. Jessica George were nominated to serve on the Committee. The motion was moved and seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

  4. Dr. Bill Doorman proposed that the Cooperative Education Committee formalize their current policy of awarding a minimum of 3 credits for Coop 200, Coop 300, Coop 400, and Coop 500. They also recommended increasing the maximum from 6 credits. The motion to approve the proposal was moved and seconded. Thus the motion passed unanimously.

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