Millersville University, Faculty Senate
Action Summary
Faculty Senate Minutes
November 21, 2000

Senate approved the following courses and course changes:


HIST 494 - Perspectives on the Harlem Renaissance, Perspective course, 3 credits, effective Spring 2001.

ENGL 366 - Perspectives on the Harlem renaissance, Perspectives course, 3 credits, effective Spring 2001.

MUSI 366 - Perspectives on the Harlem Renaissance, Perspectives course, 3 credits, effective Spring 2001.

A three-section interdisciplinary perspectives (P) course with one section each in the History, English and Music Departments offered concurrently. This will allow introductory large-group sessions on History and Music/Literature, a summary large group session and discipline-specific small-group sessions to which students rotate. 3 credits. Effective Spring 2001


                    Master of Business Administration Program, effective Fall 2002.

Dr. Frazer from Business Administration explained and identified changes made to the original proposal since its introduction at the November 7 meeting. There were some questions concerning budgeting and MBA candidate grades to which Dr. Frazer helpfully responded. After the discussion, the program was approved.NEW GRADUATE COURSES – All were approved. BUAD 561, Auditing, 3 credits, effective Fall 2002.

BUAD 605, Business and Its environment, 3 credits, effective Fall 2002.

BUAD 610, Legal issues in Business, 3 credits, effective Fall 2002.

BUAD 630, Marketing Management, 3 credits, effective Fall 2002.

BUAD 631, Buyer Behavior, 3 credits, effective Fall 2002.

BUAD 640, Financial Management, 3 credits, effective Fall 2002.

BUAD 641, Investments and Portfolio Management, 3 credits, effective Fall 2002.

BUAD 650, The Management Process, 3 credits, effective Fall 2002.

BUAD 759, Strategy and Policy, 3 credits, effective Fall 2002. Note: The course number was changed from BUAD 659 to BUAD 759 to avoid potential confusion. This course is the capstone course for the program and should have the highest course number.

BUAD 660, Managerial and Cost Accounting, 3 credits, effective Fall 2002.

ECON 620, Managerial Economics, 3 credits, effective Fall 2002.

ENGL 676, Business Writing for Managers and Executives, 3 credits, effective Fall 2002.

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