Millersville University, Faculty Senate
Action Summary
Faculty Senate Meeting
March 5, 2002

Faculty Emeritus

(1) A Lynch/Wismer motion that the honorary title of Professor of Counseling and Human Development Emeritus should be granted to Dr. Harold J. Harris, Jr. passed without dissent. {See attachment}

(2) A K. Smith/Luek motion that the honorary title of Professor of Economics Emeritus should be granted to Dr. M.K. Hamid passed without dissent. {See attachment}

Addition of Two Days to the Add Period

Student Senate President Danz discussed some of the problems associated with the new abbreviated add/drop period for students. He said that students had expressed concerns that they had too little time to change their minds and adjust their schedules after registering for classes. There was a suggestion that we extend the "Add" period to Monday and Tuesday of the second week of class. It was further suggested that we do so on a probationary basis for two semesters to ensure effectiveness before committing to the change permanently.

Dr. Borger-Greco moved to extend the "Add" (only) period two more days. Joe Lynch seconded the motion. The motion passed without dissent.

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