Millersville University, Faculty Senate
Action Summary
Faculty Senate Meeting
September 20, 2005

A Mowrey/West motion was made to charge the Academic Policies Committee to review the academic portions of the Governance Manual and make necessary changes to accommodate Academic Centers in the course and degree proposal process as well as other relevant sections of the Manual. The motion passed without dissent.

A DeCaria motion to approve the revised principles guiding the process of General Education reform was passed without dissent.

A Ward/Luek motion to waive the term limit restriction for one year to allow Alan Kelly to serve on Academic Standards since no alternate nominees were available was passed.

A White/Wallace motion to elect all unopposed candidates was passed.

A DeCaria/Mollah motion to close nominations was passed.

A West/Mowrey motion to fill Member seats with the top candidate and Alternate seats with remaining candidates was passed.

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