Millersville University, Faculty Senate
Action Summary
Faculty Senate Meeting
December 4, 2007

The minutes of the November 20, 2007 meeting of the Faculty Senate were approved with minor corrections.

The proposal to adjust the undergraduate Incomplete Policy to require a resolution by the 10th week of the next regular semester to meet commonality issues for SAP implementation was approved without dissent.

FORL, BA/BSE/Cert/Transf students. Proposal to require an online placement examination to determine appropriate course placement of incoming students into foreign language courses was approved without dissent.

The proposed FYI Seminar Review & Approval Request Form was approved without dissent. Discussion was then held regarding a need to clarify language to specify that the FYI Sub-Committee reports back to UCPRC and that UCPRC makes the final approval. A Mowrey/Saunders motion to amend the FYI Review Process to specifically include UCPRC approval was approved without dissent.

A Luek/Wallace motion that Dr. William W. Moyer be granted the honorary title of Professor of Psychology Emeritus was approved without dissent.

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