Millersville University Faculty Senate
Action Summary
Faculty Senate Meeting
October 20, 2009

The minutes of the October 6, 2009 meeting of the Faculty Senate were approved as written.

MATH204: Algebraic Foundations for the Middle Level Teacher, 3 credits, G2. Proposal for a course as part of a three-course preparation for Middle Level Mathematics to help teaching candidates for Grades 4-8 satisfy PDE Chapter 49-2 requirements with a greater strength in appropriate mathematical content was approved without dissent.

MATH205: Geometry for the Middle Level Teacher, 3 credits, G2. Proposal for a course as part of a three-course preparation for Middle Level Mathematics to help teaching candidates for Grades 4-8 satisfy PDE Chapter 49-2 requirements with a greater strength in appropriate mathematical content was approved without dissent.

MATH230: Data Analysis and Probability for the Middle Level Teacher, 3 credits, G2. Proposal for a course as part of a three-course preparation for Middle Level Mathematics to help teaching candidates for Grades 4-8 satisfy PDE Chapter 49-2 requirements with a greater strength in appropriate mathematical content was approved without dissent.

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