Millersville University Faculty Senate
Action Summary
Faculty Senate Meeting
February 2, 2010

The minutes of the December 1, 2009 meeting of the Faculty Senate were approved as corrected.

WELL240: Health, Safety, and Nutrition for the Developing Child, 3 credits. Proposal for a course addressing the essential components of children’s wellness that is to count as a WELL175 equivalent for the Dual Special Education PreK-8 and PreK-4 grades certification and is to be considered equivalent to WSSD352 for the registration system was approved without dissent.

ESCI221: Structural Geology, 3 credits, W. Proposal to change prerequisites, change course description, and remove designation as a W course was approved without dissent.

A Luek/Hardy motion to open nominations for Faculty Senate officers was approved without dissent. An Anderson/Luek motion to close nominations and cast unanimous votes for Ana Börger-Greco as Chair, Rebecca Mowrey as Chair Pro-Tempore, and Aimee Miller as Secretary for the 2010-2011 academic year was approved without dissent.

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