Millersville University Faculty Senate
Action Summary
Faculty Senate Meeting
Feburary 1, 2011

The minutes of the January 18, 2011 meeting of the Faculty Senate were approved as written.

(1) NEW UNDERGRADUATE COURSE ERCH421: Language Development and Emergent Literacy, 3 credits. Proposal to offer a course examining children’s oral language development and its contribution to emergent literacy, including a field experience was approved without dissent.

Senator A. Miller announced a vacancy for the humanities representative on the Bylaws Committee and requested nominations. A Börger-Greco/Smith motion to close nominations and elect the unopposed candidate was approved without dissent.

A Kelly/Anderson motion to elect Senator Ana Börger-Greco as Faculty Senate Chairperson was approved without dissent.

A Luek/A. Miller motion to elect Senator Kendra Saunders as Faculty Senate Chairperson Pro Tempore was approved without dissent.

A Börger-Greco/Wushanley motion to elect Senator Aimee Miller as Faculty Senate Secretary was approved without dissent.

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