Millersville University Faculty Senate
Action Summary
Faculty Senate Meeting
March 15, 2011

The minutes of the March 1, 2011 meeting of the Faculty Senate were approved as written.

MDLV486: Teaching English Language Learners in the Middle Level, 3 credits, P. Proposal for a course to prepare teacher candidates to understand cross-cultural and linguistic foundations of acquiring a new language and to integrate optimal learning environments in grades 4-8 was approved without dissent.

BA ESCI: Environmental Geology option. Proposal to revise core, elective, and required related courses to better prepare students seeking state licensure as a professional geologist was approved without dissent.

A Palmer/Wushanley motion to archive the webpage versions of old governance manual and remove them from the website was approved with one abstention.

The proposal to add the Director of Academic Advisement as an ex-officio, non-voting member of GERC was approved without dissent.

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