Millersville University Faculty Senate

Administrative Approvals
30 June 2003

TO: Registrar's Office
Academic Advisement
DARS Assistant
FROM: Dr. Carol Y. Phillips
Executive Assistant to the President
DATE: June 30, 2003
SUBJ: Revisions/Clarification for the Notification of Minor Curricular Change(s) for English Department

The following curricular changes have been approved for the major field requirements for the BA English and BSE English programs, effective Summer 2003. This memo supersedes the email Notification of Minor Curricular Change(s) memo related to the English Department dated May 27, 2003.

Required Courses in BA English Program Minor Change - Major Field Requirements
ENGL 231 Include ENGL 238H as an alternative choice for ENGL 231
List on curricular blue sheet as ENGL 231 OR ENGL 238H
ENGL 311* Include ENGL 489 & ENGL 499 as an alternative choice for ENGL 311 in the major field requirements.
List on curricular blue sheet as ENGL 311 OR ENGL 489 one credit, 499 two credits (honors thesis)
ENGL 231, 235 Update curricular sheet - delete statement; "These courses are not required of students who entered the major prior to Fall 1989."

Required Courses in English Program Minor Change - Major Field Requirement
ENGL 231 Include ENGL 238H as an alternative choice for ENGL 231
List on curricular blue sheet as ENGL 231 OR ENGL 238H
ENGL 311* Include ENGL 489 & ENGL 499 as an alternative choice for ENGL 311 in the major field requirements.
List on curricular blue sheet as ENGL 311 OR ENGL 489 one credit, 499 two credits (honors thesis)
ENGL 231, 235 Update curricular blue sheet - delete statement; "These courses are not required of students who entered the major prior to Fall 1989."
EDFN 330 or EDUC 331 Delete EDUC 331 from Profession Education requirements; course no longer offered.

*COMMENT: Counting ENGL 499 as an Advanced Writing course in the General Education requirements is considered a major change. The department may petition through the appropriate academic channels to have ENGL 499 accepted as an alternate to the upper division writing course in English. (Governance Manual; Sect. 2; Curriculum Requirements for Baccalaureate Degree Programs; General Education Curriculum; VIII. Guidelines for General Education Courses; A. Composition Sequence)

Required Related Courses for BSE English Program Minor Change/Revisions to the Curricular Blue Sheet
(re-numbered and title changes approved back in fall 200)
THEA 110 - Intro to Theatre Tech THEA 130 - Acting I
THEA 211 - Acting THEA 230 - Acting II
THEA 212 - Stagecraft THEA 120 - Stagecraft

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