Millersville University Faculty Senate

Administrative Approvals
28 August 2003

TO: Registrar's Office
Academic Advisement
FROM: Dr. Carol Y. Phillips
Executive Assistant to the President
DATE: August 28, 2003
SUBJ: Notification of Minor Curricular Change(s)

Through the catalog revision process, the following changes have been identified as minor curricular changes for the Business Administration Department, effective Winter 2004.

Course Revise Pre-requisite
BUAD 161: Introduction to Financial Accounting Prereq: MATH 101 or equivalent (MATH 160, 161, 151, 163H, 165H)
Revised Prereq: MATH 101 or MATH placement beyond MATH 101
Revision of course pre-requisite does not fundamentally alter the nature, function or accessibility of the course, nor impact on the ability of students to complete this or other courses in their program of study.
BUAD 342: Managerial Finance II Prereq: BUAD 306 and MATH 235 or ECON 332 or ECON 333
Revised Prereq: BUAD 306, 341 and (MATH 235 or ECON 332 or ECON 333)
Original course proposal from 2001did not reflect the correct pre-requisites at the time.

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