Millersville University, Faculty Senate



19 November 1996

DATE: 12 November 1996
TO: Members of the Faculty Senate
FROM: Marvin Margolis, Secretary
SUBJECT: Meeting of the Faculty Senate 19 November 1996, 4:05-5:45 p.m.
Chryst Hall, Room 210

I. Minutes of the 5 November 1996 meeting
II. Report of the Faculty Senate Chairperson
III. Report of the Student Senate President
IV. Reports of the Administrative Officers
V. Reports of the Faculty Senate Standing Committees
VI. Special Reports of the Faculty Senate Committees
VII. Faculty Emeritus
VIII. Proposed Courses and Programs
Two meetings to challenge courses:
MATH 102: Survey of Mathematical Ideas in Non-European Cultures, a new three credit hour, general education, CQ, QARC undergraduate course to be first offered in Fall 1996 if approved
CSCI362: Data Structures, a new four credit undergraduate course to be first offered in Spring 1997 if approved
CSCI395: Computer Networks, a new four credit undergraduate course to be first offered in Spring 1997 if approved.
CSCI420: Software Engineering, a new four credit undergraduate course to be first offered in Spring 1997 if approved.
CSCI425: Human Computer Interaction, a new four credit undergraduate course to be first offered in Spring 1997 if approved.
CSCI440: Theory of Computation, a new four credit undergraduate course to be first offered in Spring 1997 if approved.
CSCI466: Database Management Systems, a new four credit undergraduate course to be first offered in Spring 1997 if approved.
CSCI467: Design and Analysis of Algorithms, a new four credit undergraduate course to be offered Spring 1997 if approved.
CSCI476: Parallel Programming, a new four credit undergraduate course to be first offered Spring 1997 if approved.
IX. Departmental Handbook Policy Proposals
Acting chairperson of the Academic Policies Committee, V. Hauck, will move a Departmental Handbook Policy (see Attachment B of the 5 November 1996 minutes).
X. Report of the General Education Task Force
The General Education Task Force will report to senate.

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