Millersville University, Faculty Senate


Faculty Senate Meeting

4 September 1990

Chairperson Gregoire called the first Faculty Senate meeting of the 1990-91 academic year to order at 4:05 p.m. in Ganser Auditorium. All departments were represented except Communications and Theatre and Political Science. Jennifer Crissman served as a student consultant. The minutes of the 24 July meeting were approved on a Ground/Oppenheimer motion.

Administrative Officers

President Caputo greeted the senate and wished the new officers success in the new year. Provost Taggie also welcomed the senate and reproted two items. The University has a tentative policy for students who are in the military reserves and could be called to active duty. Students called to military duty during the course of the semester will have their funds automatically refunded. The University will withdraw students from all classes if they are called before midsemester. After midsemester, the University will use imcompletes, independent study, and other means of helping the students. Provost Taggie asked that the faculty accommodate the students and not penalize them.

After lengthy discussions and input from outside consultants, an admistrative decision has been made to close the Library Science Department at the conclusion of the 1990-91 acedemic year. The department wilol continue to exist this year and students currently in the major will be allowed to complete their requirements.

Faculty Senate Chairperson

The chairperson annouced housekeeping details. At the next meeting senate will experiment with a different seating arrangement. Seating will be in a circle so that senators who are speaking will not look at the backs of other senators. Senators will sit in an inner circle and guests and others will sit in an outer circle. Please make suggestions recommendations for refreshments to the Chairperson.

Academic Policies Committee

As the previous chairperson of the committee, Chairperson Gregoire made the report. She reminded senators that copies of the section "Course and/ or Program Change Procedures" of the governance manual (pps 55-56) had been distributed at previous meetings. She said that senate will address the issue at the next meeting after a new committee chairperson is elected.

Undergraduate Course and Program Review Committee

Senator Centola introdued ESCI 427: Engineering Properties of Earth Materials and a program: B.S. in Geology-Engineering Geology for agenda items for the next senate meeting. Senators who did not obtain proposals for MUSI 192, 292, and 462 at the last meeting may pick them up in the Music Department.

Academic Standards Committee

Senator McLeod submitted a written report at the request of the committee chairperson. See Attachment A to the minutes.

Proposed Standard Committee

There were no challenges of courses proposed under the three-meeting rule. ESCI 426: Groundwater Geology is now approved.

Special Election

Senate elected a faculty representative to serve on the Search Committee for the Assistant Provost position. In the list of nominees below and for those that follow, the name in parenthesis is the nominator.

Nominees were:

A motion to close nominations passed unanamously and balloting was conducted. P. McCaskey was elected.


The chair called for nominations to fill vacant positions on various senate committees.

Undergraduate Course and Program Review Committee

Four members had to be elected, one from each academic unit, for 2-year terms.

Noninees were:
education M.A. Gray (Rickelman)
F. Foster-Clark (Luek)
soc. sci. J. Osborne (Madonna)
humanities C. Milovanovic (Oppenheimer)
T. Miller (Centola)
sci./math J. Piperberg (Ha)
R. Wismer (Weiss)

Nominations were closed on a Madonna/Hungerford motion and balloting was conducted. A tie vote in the education area resulted in a second vote there. Elected were:

education M.A. Gray (1992)
soc. sci J. Osborne (1992)
humanities T. Miller (1992)
sci./math R. Wismer (1992)

Academic Policies Committee

The committee needed a replacement chair to complete the term that expires in 1991 of K. Gregoire. Senator Miller nominated D. Eidam. After no further nominations, a Weiss/Centola motion to close nominations passed unanimously and Eidam was elected by acclamation.

Academic Policies Committee
education F. Foster-Clark (Luek)
soc. sci R. Koppel (Madonna)
humanities L.F. Woskowiak (Brandon)
sci./math M. Chaudhary (Mertz)
non-school S. Lotlikar (Tassia)

Nominations were closed on a Madonna/Miller motion. With only one candidate for each position, the chair declared all nominees elected by acclamation. All terms of newly elected members expire in 1992.

Academic Standards Committee

Senator Weiss nominated R. Clark to be chair of the committee and complete a term that ends in 1991. With no further nominations, a Ha/Luek motion to close nominations passed and R. Clark was elected by acclamation.

Three senators had to be elected to 3-year membership on the committee. Nominees were:

J. Piperberg (Ha)
P. Belgrade (Centola)
V. Palmer (Brooks)
L. Shoemaker (Eidam)
P. McCaskey (Brady)
R. Smith-Wade-El (Luek)

A Hungerford/Brady motion to close nominations passed. After the first ballot, J. Piperberg and L. Shoemaker were elected but P. Belgrade and V. Palmer were tied for the third opening.

An Oppenheimer/Ha motion to drop the two nominees with the fewest votes passed after a hand vote. On the second ballot, P. Belgrade was elected. Terms for all newly elected members expire in 1993.

Student Affairs Committee

One member had ot be elected for a 3-year term. Nominees were:

S. Peters (Hungerford)
D. Hill (Luek)

A Hungerford/McLeod motion to close nominations passed. Elected was S. Peters. Her term expires in 1993.

Faculty-Student Athletic Committee

Two members had to be elected for 3-year terms. Nominated were:

B. Stengel (Ottinger)
K. Glass (Lotlikar)
V. Palmer (Brooks)
T. Greco (Weiss)
R. Bimson (Hungerford)

A Ha/Fredrichs motion to close nominations passed. Elected were B. Stengel and T. Greco.

Joint Senate Conference Committee

Three members had to be elected each for a 1-year term. Nominated were:

D. Eidam (Ha)
S. Luek (Oppenheimer)
W. Price (L. Miller)

An Arnold/Ha motion to close nominations passed. The chair declared the three elected by acclamation.

Centrally Administered Cooperative Education Committee

A chairperson had to be elected for a 3-year term. Senator L. Miller nominated G. Weiss. A Ha/Mertz motion to close nominations passed and G. Weiss was elected by acclamation.

Commencement Speaker Committee

Some senators expressed the feeling that the committee has no work to do. They asked that the chair consult with G. Eckert about the duties of the committee members. An Oppenheimer/Miller motion to postpone the committee election until such time as there is a clarification of the members duties and responsibilities passed unanimously.

Cultural Affairs Committee

Two members had to be elected for 3-year terms. Nominees were:

R. Lowing (Ground)
J. Colangelo (Brandon)
C. Milovanovic (Oppenheimer)
K. Green (Luek)

A Luek/Ha motion to close nominations passed. Elected were J. Colangelo and K. Green. Terms of the two newly elected members expire in 1993.

Financial Aid Committee

One member had to be elected for a 2-year term. Senator Oppenheimer nominated L. Miller. A Weis/Oppenheimer motion to close nominations passed. L. Miller was elected by acclamation.

University Judicial Board

One regular member (2-year term) term and two alternates members (1-year terms) had to be elected. The senate decided by consent that there would only be one vote. The nominee with the highest votes would have the regular membership and the nominee with the next highest votes the alternate memberships. Nominees were:

B. Nakhai (Brady)
A. Ruszak (Hungerford)
V. Palmer (Brooks)
G. Hauber (Johnson)
K. Green (Luek)

An Arnold/Benns motion to close nominations passed. V. Palmer was elected as a regular member (term expires 1992) and G. Hauber and K. Green were elected as alternates (terms expire 1991)

Noonan Endowment Fund Committee

Three members had to be elected for 2-year terms. Nominees were:

education A. Forsyth (Luek)
R. Winkeljohann (Rickelman)
P. Specht (Johnson)
humanities L.F. Woskowiak (Brandon)
sci./math S. Turchi (Weiss)
V. Palmer (Brooks)

An Oppenheimer/McLeod motion to close nominations passed. L.F. Woskowiak was elected by acclamation. After the first ballot, S. Turchi was elected but no candidate from education received a majority. A Madonna/Oppenheimer motion to drop the nominee with the fewest votes passed. After the second ballot, P. Specht was elected. Terms of all newly elected members expire in 1992.

Honorary Degree Committee

Two members had to be elected for 2-year terms. Nominees were:

B. Nakai (Brady)
J. Fischel (Madonna)
A. Szollos (Luek)
M. Nolan (L. Miller)

An Oppenheimer/Frerichs motion to close nominations passed. J. Fischel and M. Nolan were elected. Their terms expire in 1992.

The chairperson thanked N. Hungerford, S. Luek, and D. Eidam for help with the election balloting. A Ha/Mertz motion to adjourn the meeting passed unanimously at 5:28 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Marvin S. Margolis