Millersville University, Faculty Senate


Faculty Senate Meeting

14 June 1994

Chairperson Eidam called the meeting to order at 2:40 p.m. in Myers Auditorium, McComsey. All departments except Business Administration, Counseling, History, Library, Music, Nursing, and Political Science were represented.


The minutes of the 3 May 1994 meeting were approved as read.


Chairperson Eidam reminded Senators of vacant standing committee chairmanships: Academic Policies, Academic Standards, General Education and Student Affairs. He also called attention to the photograph of Senator B. Dorman on the cover of the 1994-96 MU catalog. The balance of his report is attached as Appendix G to the day's minutes.

Before moving on to the other reports, Chairperson Eidam recognized Senator C. McLeod who moved the Faculty Senate express its sincere gratitude to Senator Beverly Schneller for her faithful and impressive service to this body as its secretary. Senator S. Luek providedd the second, and the motion carried with a round of applause for Senator B. Schneller.

Administrative Officers

President J. Caputo praised the Senate for its willingness to debate and act on the complicated issues which arose over the course of the academic year. He also summarized recent developments in Harrisburg concerning the budget.

Assistant Vice-President for Academic Affairs, Dr. J. Stager discussed the enrollment information depicted in Appendix C.

International Affairs Director, Dr. Marlene Arnold discussed the new federal guidelines for study abroad (see Appendix D). After a discussion of motion proposed in Dr. Arnold's document, the Senate voted and approved the amended version which follows:

In the case of study abroad that commences during the period 1 June 1994 to 30 April 1995, passing credits shall be accepted by MU as if they were taken at the home institution, because of a change in federal law.

On a Frerichs-Piperberg motion, the Senate also referred the matter of financial aid and study abroad to the Academic Policy Committee.

Committee Reports


Senator C. McLeod submitted the committee's annual report (Appendix F) and introduced six new courses under the three-meeting rule:

BIOL 438: Neurology

COMM 121: Introduction to Audio and Video

COMM 230: Comparative Broadcasting Systems

ESCI 485: Air-Sea Interaction

MATH 370: Operations Research

SOWK 350: Encounters in Human Diversity

Academic Standards

Senator R. Clark submitted an addendum to the annual report (see Appendix E).

Chairperson Eidam thanked Senator Clark on behalf of the Senate for chairing both the Academic Policies and Academic Standards Committees.

Proposed Courses

COMM 224, COMM 302, COMM 429, ITEC 375 were approved.


With the Senate's consent, Agenda item XI on QPA calculation was moved to item IX. Senator R. Clark introduced each motion separately and Ms. C. Dean attended to participate in the discussion. There was an hour-long discussion on motion one involving fifteen senators over matters such as how to handle BSE/certification courses, areas of concentration, required-related courses, and double majors. An amended Piperberg-McLeod motion to approve the original motion and to compute education courses as one category and non-education courses as another, thus providing two QPAs for BSE students was agreed to. Motion 2 carried without dissent.

Academic Amnesty

An Erickson-Clark motion to limit debate to fifteen minutes passed. At the expiration of the debate period, the McLeod amended wording to the policy (p. 3576) and the Piperberg-Wismer motion to count only courses in which a C grade or higher was earned to fulfill GE or major requirements was approved.

At 4:30 p.m. Yelogates-Peters moved adjournment. Senator F. Erickson appealed, and with consent, discussed Agenda Attachment D. Chairperson Eidam, referring to Roberts'Rules p. 488, noted that this Student Athletic Advisory Committee would be a permanent subcommittee involving fourteen students, one for each varsity sport.

The meeting then adjourned at 4:40 p.m.

The next meeting of the Faculty Senate is 6 September at 4:10 p.m. in Chryst Hall 210.

Respectfully submitted,

Beverly Schneller, Secretary

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