Millersville University, Faculty Senate

Attachment A

Faculty Senate Minutes

1 November 1994

DATE: 28 October 1994
TO: Faculty Senate
FROM: Don Eidam
RE: REPORT for 11/1 meeting

Since Dr. T. Isaac (Educational Foundations) will be at Strathclyde in spring 95, I need to appoint a new Senate representative to Administrative Computing Advisory Committee. Please forward recommendations to me; the representative need not be a Senator.

Membership positions on International Selection Committee are filled jointly by Senate elections and Provost appointments. With the Provost's appointment of Dr. K. Bookmiller (Political Science) for a two-year term, that Committee is now complete.

Regarding the community colleges-SSHE universities articulation agreement, I have received a copy of the preliminary "Eastern Region Course Comparison Matrix", which displays course equivalences by discipline. Any faculty member who wishes a copy of the equivalences for her/his department's discipline(s) may contact me.

The following is excerpted from an informational letter sent on 9/7/94 to chairs of standing committees:

"You may if you wish bring up any future agenda item of your committee for brief preliminary discussion and counsel in Senate."

In the interest of optimizing productivity and harmony of Senate consideration of motions, I reiterate this invitation, even to the extent of encouraging "straw votes" if deemed desirable. The chair of Academic Policies Committee has indicated his intention to lead said preliminary discussions in the future.

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