Millersville University, Faculty Senate

Attachment A

Faculty Senate Minutes

6 February 1996

TO: Dr. Behnam Nakhai,
Academic Policies Committee Chairperson
FROM: Don Eidam
DATE: 26 January 1996
RE: Governance Manual: Course and Program Modification Policies

I ask you to place consideration of these policies on the Committee's agenda. I call your attention to (1) the following extract (p. 86-87) from the Governance Manual:

Course and Program Modification Policies

1. Minor modifications in course emphasis but sufficient to require a change in the catalog description:
a. Requires approval of the department offering the course and the appropriate school curriculum committee.
b. If the course if required for majors in other departments, these departments should be consulted.
c. For courses required of all Unviersity students, or all students pursuing a particular degree (e.g. B.S. or B.A.), approval by the Course and Program Review Committee is also required.

2. Major modifications in course content and/or deletion by the department of an existing course:***
a. Requires[sic] approval of the department offering the course, the appropriate school curriculum committee and the Course and Program Review Committee. when a course is deleted from a department's offerings or when a label is removed from a course, the chair of the appropriate school committee shall inform the Undergraduate Course and Program Review committee of such action. The chair of the Undergraduate Course and Program Review Committee will then communicate that action to Faculty Senate.
b. If the course is required for majors in other departments, these departments must be consulted.
c. For courses required of all University students, or all students pursuing a particular degree, Faculty Senate approval is also required.

3. Changes in curriculum
a. Minor changes require approval of the department administering the program as well as the appropriate school curriculum committee. Major changes in a departmental program require approval of the Course and Program Review Committee.
b. Other departments affected by the change should be consulted.
c. For minor changes affecting the requirements of all Unviersity students, or all students pursuing a particular degree, Course and Program Review Committee approval is required. Major changes also require approval of the Faculty Senate.
Questions regarding whether a change is to be regarded as major or minor shall be referred to the provost and vice president for academic affairs.

4. Course and programs in undergraduate, graduate, and in-service teacher education shall be reviewed and approved by the Teacher Education Council after approval by a school curriculum committee but before approval by Faculty Senate.

(2) the matrix, "Summary of Procedures", following this extract in the G.M.; and

(3) my 11/1/95 letter to the Provost (p. 3884, Senate Minutes).

After consultation with Deans' Council the Provost has elected to refer this matter to Senate, and your Committee is the appropriate one to make recommendations on it to Senate. Specifically, I ask you to address the following, as well as any other points your Committee in its wisdom finds problematical:

(i) What are the criteria for determining whether changes in curricula are "minor" or "major"? There are in fact none stated in the above box. Is the matrix intended to implicityly state the criteria?
(ii) Who or what committeee makes the initial determination as to whether a change in curriculum is "minor" or "major", and at what stage in the approval process? The bod-faced statement above implies that the Provost has the burden of making each call, and making it in the absence of criteria.
Disagreements with respect to (i) and (ii) have arisen as recently as last fall.
(iii) {less of a problem} The criteria for approvals of course modifications in 1.-2. above seem clear, but the matrix speaks of changes "affecting" categories of students. Do not almost all course changes potentially affect all students since most courses are open to all qualified students?

Thanks for considering this.

***Faculty Senate last year clarified the procedure for course renumbering thus: if the level of the course is changed (e.g., from 100-level to 200-level) then the change is major; else it is minor.