Millersville University, Faculty Senate


Faculty Senate Meeting

18 November 1997

Prior Minutes
...| Chairperson | Student Senate | Provost Stager | Associate Provost Casselberry
...UCPRC | Admission, Advisement, and Student Affairs | Gen Ed Review | University Honors | Academic Outcomes Assessment | Academic Standards | Cooperative Education
Faculty Emeritus
...Proposed Courses | Honors Program +/- | Proposals from Acad Policies

Chairperson D. Eidam called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. in Chryst Hall, Room 210. All departments were represented except Developmental Studies, Earth Sciences, and Social Work. Shelby Linton, Tanya Murphy, and Melissa Dinofia represented Student Senate.


The minutes of
4 November 1997 were approved with the following correction on p. 4311: EDFN 587 should be EDFN 590.



D. Eidam distributed a proposed revision of the Academic Proposal form (see Attachment 1). He announced that C. Counihan (term expires 1999) and B. O'Hanrahan (term expires 1998) have been added as administrative appointments to the International Selection Committee. The November 3 administrative approvals are available on the Faculty Senate website at: He asked senators if there was need to schedule an extra meeting of Faculty Senate on January 27, 1998. Since there was no special request, there will be no January meeting.

Student Senate

M. Dinofia reported that she attended a dinner at the Union League in Philadelphia with President McNairy and other MU representatives. She and other MU students attended the Student Leadership Conference in Harrisburg. Student Senate recently held a meeting in Burrowes Hall at which time they elected six new senators. There are currently two vacancies to be filled.

Student Senate is still debating whether or not to make emergency allocations to athletic teams. The relationship between Student Senate and The Snapper is improving. A meeting will be held this week to discuss off-campus housing. M. Dinofia is considering applying for the open student position on the SSHE Governing Board.

Administrative Officers


Provost Stager announced that there will be an Open House on Saturday, November 21.

Associate Provost

Associate Provost Casselberry reported that three departments have selected courses which require a minimum grade of C rather than C-. Those departments are Communication and Theatre, Nursing, and Special Education.


Undergraduate Course and Program Review Committee

Chairperson R. Wismer presented one program under the one-meeting rule:

Admission, Advisement, and Student Affairs Committee

Chairperson J. Lynch reported that the committee has met with Associate Provost Roller to discuss enrollment management. A memo from Associate Provost Roller was distributed (see
Attachment 2) and will be placed on the agenda for discussion at the 2 December meeting of Senate.

General Education Review Committee

Chairperson C. Stameshkin explained that the committee is in the process of redefining the goals and objectives of general education. Nine working groups are addressing various topics (see
Attachment 3). Each group is composed of two members of the Committee and is soliciting help from interested faculty. Any faculty member interested in being a member of a working group should contact C. Stameshkin. There is an interactive webstie for the GERC Assessment Working Papers at

University Honors Program Committee

Chairperson M. Warmkessel provided information on the Honors College concept document (see
Attachment 4). The Director and Assistant Director of the Univeristy Honors Program drafted the document which will be used by University Advancement to attract potential donors. At its meeting on 3 November the committee voted to support the concept of an honors college.

Academic Outcomes Assessment Committee

Chairperson C. Desmond reminded senators that resources for departmental outcomes assessment activities are available from a special grant as well as from the Associate Provost's office. Further information will be posted to the Senate website.

Academic Standards

Chairperson J. Piperberg reported that several issues have come up recently regarding the letters sent to students on academic probation. The committee has met to discuss the possibility of toughening the language of these letters. The committee considered the possibility of limiting students on probation to registering for fewer credits, a suggestion which will be forwarded to the Academic Policies Committee. Other specific issues discussed include limiting the number of times a student can repeat the same course and increasing the penalties for students who are dismissed after having earlier appeals upheld. The committee determined that there must be better coordination between the Academic Standards Committee, the Admissions Office, and the Financial Aid Office.

Cooperative Education Committee

Chairperson B. Dorman mentioned that the committee is working on two projects: revising the student handbook and revising the faculty handbook.

Faculty Emeritus

A Sykes/Yelagotes motion to recommend Professor Gordon Wise for faculty emeritus status passed unanimously (see
Attachment 5).

A Dorman/Piperberg motion to recommend Professor Paul Talley for faculty emeritus status passed unanimously (see Attachment 6).


Proposed Course

R. Kerper brought up concerns of the Department of Elementary and Early Childhood Education regarding SPED 433 in terms of course sequencing and requirements for Elementary Education majors. It was explained that this course replaces another course with different content.

After further discussion the three courses were approved under the one-meeting rule.

Honors Program +/- Grading Document

M. Warmkessel presented a motion from the University Honors Program Committee recommending changes to the Governance Manual indicating that a grade of B- or better must be earned for courses to receive honors credit. After a brief discussion, the motion carried.

Proposals from Academic Policies Committee

K. Bookmiller presented a motion from the committee recommending changes in the Governance Manual indicating that a grade of B- or higher must be earned on departmental honors projects. Individual departments could ask for a higher grade minimum by making a request directly to the provost's office. A general discussion followed on the philosophy of accepting the minus version of a grade as a minimum. The motion carried.

K. Bookmiller explained that the Academic Policies Committee has been discussin those sections of the Governance Manual relating to the process for making major and minor changes to the curriculum. They have identified the need to clarify certain sections, especially in regard to the role of the deans in the process of deciding if changes are major or minor. They also want to be sure that it is clear that Faculty Senate must be notified of all curricular changes.

S. Casselberry outlined the process for making major and minor changes. Further discussion followed on various aspects of the process. Questions arose regarding the process for consulting with affected departments. A suggestion was made that a line be added to the approval log of the Academic Proposal form indicating what other deparmtents might be affected by the change.

K. Bookmiller presented a motion from the committee recommending the approval of the section of the Governenace Manual dealing with Course and Program Change Procedures (see Attachment 4 of 4 November 1997 minutes) with two amendments (see
Attachment 7) in order to clarify the role of the deans and the need to notify Faculty Senate. After a brief discussion regarding dual-administered programs, the motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 5:25 p.m. The next meeting of the Faculty Senate is 2 December at 4:05 p.m. in Chryst Hall, Room 210.

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie M. Warmkessel
Acting Secretary

Prior Minutes
...| Chairperson | Student Senate | Provost Stager | Associate Provost Casselberry
...UCPRC | Admission, Advisement, and Student Affairs | Gen Ed Review | University Honors | Academic Outcomes Assessment | Academic Standards | Cooperative Education
Faculty Emeritus
...Proposed Courses | Honors Program +/- | Proposals from Acad Policies

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