Millersville University, Faculty Senate

Attachment 7
Faculty Senate Minutes
18 November 1997

To: Faculty Senate
From Kirsten Bookmiller, Chair
Academic Policies Committee
Date: 18 November 1997
Subject: Course and/or Program Change Procedures


The Course and/or Program Change Procedures section of the Course and Program Modification Policies should be affirmed after the inclusion of the following changes:

Amendment #1:
Paragraphs 1a, 1b, 1c, and 1d, which state:

"The school dean should be notified of all course changes as soon as possible in the approval process. In deciding whether a change is major and minor, both curricular and resource issues will be considered; therefore, to prevent a revision in the major/minor status of a change, it is propitious to verify any changes with the school dean."

Should be amended to read:

"The school dean should be notified of all course changes as soon as possible in the approval process. The school dean, as the Provost's designee, will decide whether a change is major or minor. Therefore, to prevent a revision in the major/minor status of a change, it is propitious to verify any changes with the school dean."

Amendment #2:
Paragraphs 1c and 3c which end with:

"...After approval by the school curriculum committee (and TEC if necessary) it is each committee's responsibility to report its approval to the Associate Provost for Academic Administration, who will inform the necessary University offices of the change."

Should be expanded to include:

"...After approval by the school curriculum committee (and TEC if necessary) it is each committee's responsibility to report its approval to the Associate Provost for Academic Administration, who will inform the necessary University offices and Faculty Senate of the change."

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