Millersville University, Faculty Senate


Meeting of the Faculty Senate

20 April 1999

Chairperson Joel Piperberg called the meeting to order at 4:08 p.m. in Chryst 210. All Departments were represented except Counseling and Human Development, Developmental Studies, Educational Foundations, Geography, Philosophy, and Political Science. Graduate Student Organization representative, Christine Schwarz and Snapper Editor, David Burkholder were also in attendance.

The minutes of the meeting on March 16 were approved, as were those of April 6 following the addition of the grade W to the course repeat policy (pp. 4608/09).

Report of the Faculty Chairperson

Chairperson Piperberg reminded Senators that the Summer meeting will be held on June 15 at 3:00 p.m. in Myers Auditorium in McComsey. He also reminded the chairpersons of the Senate Committees that reports are due at the meeting of the Senate on May 4.

Chairperson Piperberg announced that the University Theme dinner is to be held May 6.

Report of the Student Senate--No report

Report of the Graduate Student Orizanization--No Report

Report of Administrative Officers--No Reports

Report of Faculty Senate Standing Committees


Consideration of ITEC 456, Digital Imaging, was deferred until the next meeting following a D. Hutchens' request for clarification of the wording in item no. 9 on page 2 of the Course Proposal.

Committee Chair, R. Wismer, presented program and course proposals approved by his committee as follows:

R. Wismer reminded Senators about an earlier discussion regarding General Education Approval for Applied Musicianship and that it had been decided to create a policy that would deal with Applied Musicianship alone rather than creating a policy that would cover all.

MUSIC Revision of Applied Musicianship
Applied Musicianship

... in Symphonic Band MUSI 120, 121, 220, 221, 320, 321, 420, 421
... in Orchestra and Chamber ensemble MUSI 122, 123, 222, 223, 322, 323, 422, 423
... in Jazz Ensemble MUSI 124, 125, 224, 225, 324, 325, 424, 425
... in Choir MUSI 126, 127, 226, 227, 326, 327, 426, 427
... in Marching Band MUSI 129, 229, 329, 429

MUSIC Applied Musicianship

... in Marching Band workshop MUSI 128, 228, 328, 428

R. Wismer suggested that the following wording be added to the Catalog/and or schedule listing:

"A student may count a block of six Applied Musicianship courses (a total of 3.0 credits) as one General Education course from the Music Department. A student may count no more than two such blocks of six courses for General Education credit "

Academic Policies Two New Proposals from the Academic Policies Committee

Reports of the Faculty Senate Special Committees (note re-wording of the title of this category from earlier minutes)--No reports

Faculty Emeritus--No Recommendations

Provosed Distance Learning Approval Process (UCPRC).

The Senate began consideration of the Proposed Distance Learning Approval Process suggested by UCPRC.

After an M.Warmkessel/D. Eidam motion to substitute an alternative proposal failed to gain approval, considerable discussion of the proposal ensued. R. Wismer will incorporate requested amendments/changes into the original document for distribution with the minutes of the meeting (see attachment)

The Senate approved the proposal after agreement was reached to:

  1. Delete the reference to "departmental curriculum committee" because not all departments have such a committee. Item D was thus deleted and Item E was redesignated as Item D. The first sentence of the new Item D was deleted (an Eidam/Wismer motion.)
  2. Second sentence of the new Item D. Wording was included to make it clear that a proposal remained approved by a given method even if the instructor changed (a Rosenthal/Warmkessel motion.) The exact wording appears below:

    "If the department approves of the DL proposal, the course can be presented by that DL method, regardless of the instructor involved."

  3. The first sentences of the second and third paragraphs under "Approval Process" were deleted and the second sentence revised. They should now read:

    "Faculty are presently learning how to implement the necessary methods for distance learning. "

This removed an inconsistency that had occurred because correspondence courses were included under Distance Learning. R. Wismer said that the committee would rather keep the reference to correspondence than to make Distance Learning be defined as (solely) technology-based.

General Education Objectives Discussion of General Education Objectives III was postponed until the next meeting of the Senate on May 4.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jane Alden

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