Millersville University, Faculty Senate


Meeting of the Faculty Senate

15 June 1999

Chairperson Joel Piperberg called the meeting to order at 3:07 p.m. in Myers Auditorium, McComsey. All departments were represented except Art, Business Administration, Chemistry, Counseling and Human Development, Economics, Foreign Languages, Mathematics, Music, Political Science, and Special Education. Thomas Chugger Baker, the new President of the Student Senate, also attended.

The minutes of the meeting on May 4 were approved following the amendments below: p.4636 CSI should read CSCI and CSCI 476 should be added as a prerequisite for CSCI 362 and CSCI 270.

P. 4637 should read: Must students take half of the courses for their Minor....

Report of the Faculty Senate Chairperson

  1. Chairperson Piperberg said that the time computed for Summer School classes had not accounted for 5 - 10 minute breaks each hour. This means that too little time had been scheduled for each class, an error that will be corrected in the future. He suggested that any senator who has models for summer classes should contact Dr. Stager.

    R. Kerper reported that there had also been a scheduling problem for graduate students because their schools were still in session when the summer classes began, leading to conflicts with scheduled course times, The University created a modified schedule to accommodate their needs but did not release it early enough to provide sufficient notification for graduate students. In addition, the modified schedule that moved day classes to the night failed to account for the evening classes, in which students were already enrolled, creating other conflicts.

  2. Chairperson Piperberg encouraged Senators to volunteer for committees and to encourage their departmental colleagues to volunteer. He distributed lists of vacancies for the upcoming elections in the Fall semester and he requested that nominations be e-mailed to him so that the names could be placed on the ballot for the first meeting in the Fall (September 7). (see attachment)
  3. The working text for the catalogue description for Applied Musicianship is now as follows:

    A student may count a block of six Applied Musicianship courses (a total of 3.0 credits) as one Liberal Arts core course from the Music Department and such a block of courses may be used by the student to fulfill requirements in the same way as any other 3 credit Liberal arts Core course. Any combination of Applied Musicianship courses may be used in such a block, Only a full block of six such courses may be used for Liberal Arts Core credit.

  4. Chairperson Piperberg reminded senators that any courses brought to the Faculty Senate for approval must include the appropriate statements from the deans, if such statements are required. The inclusion of these statements should resolve some problems that have resulted in course approval delays.

Report of the Student Senate New Student Senate President Thomas Baker was introduced to the Faculty Senate. He announced that the Student Senate is working on several projects that include: celebration of MU at homecoming and the establishment of some out-door organizat ion- sponsored benches.

Report of the Graduate Student Organization No Report

Reports of Administrative Officers

Associate Provost Roller Dr. Roller said that the Administration intends to expand activity with faculty mentoring of students and encouraged faculty participation in this program.

Reports of Faculty Senate Standing Committees

GCPRC Chairperson R. Kerper presented a proposal for Graduate Nursing Case Management. R. Davis proposed that the Senate forego the one meeting rule and this motion was approved.

Women's Studies Curriculum Committee Chairperson C. Desmond who chaired the committee during Dr. Schneller's absence said that the committee had approved an existing course (Senior Seminar in Anthropology 491) and another course (HPED 610) is in the pipeline for approval. Chairperson Piperberg thanked Dr. Desmond for her service as chair of the committee

Academic Standards Committee Chairperson J. Sciarretta said that the number of student dismissals had increased:

J. Sciarretta asked the Senate to consider a motion with regard to the composition of the committee. He suggested specifying the distribution of committee members according to academic division. This proposal will be placed on the Agenda for September 21.

Honors Committee Chairperson Warmkessel said that applications have been received for the Director of the Honors Program position. These applications have been reviewed and two names have been submitted to the Administration.

She said that there are two vacancies for Social Science on the Honors Committee but no nominations have been received. She encourages senators/departmental colleagues to consider serving on the committee.

C. Stameshkin said she would like to see a system that can appoint faculty members to committee service as exists in some other universities. Another senator said that a perception exists that committee service is not beneficial to faculty members in terms of promotion. There was also a suggestion that it might be possible to reconsider the term limitations on committees to make it easier to fill committee vacancies.

Faculty Emeritus. A D.Williams/G. Yelagotes motion to recommend Faculty Emeritus status for Dr. Harold Drake (Communications and Theater) was passed by the Senate.

Proposed Courses and Programs

The following Courses/Programs were passed by the Senate:

T. Kruse said the department had expressed some concern about the use of the term "case management." The terminology is an integral part of the functions of Social Work and is historically related to casework. Social work has had a 100-year history in health care and the department was somewhat concerned that nurses would try to educate social workers.

Because of the department's long relationship with Nursing, Social Work did not want to stand in the way of the proposal but requested ongoing dialogue with the Department and asked that the Department not educate social workers.

Honors Program/College M. Warmkessel reported that the report of the consultant who visited in March to consider the prospect of an Honors College had not yet been received, but added that he encouraged the university to make the transition from an honors program to honors college within the next year. Several factors make an early transition important:

  1. Competition from other SSHE institutions (example IUP)
  2. Potential Donors (an Honors College would attract new money)
  3. Establishment of the program by virtue of its 19 year existence.
  4. Encouragement of students with 1200 or higher SAT scores to apply to MU.


General Education Objectives. Chairperson C. Stameshkin distributed up-dated copies of the General Education Objectives adopted Spring 1999 (See attachment)

J. Alden (English) placed on record the concern expressed by the Department of English regarding the language in the objectives document - Students .... will be able to -- that prefaces objectives. The department would have preferred should be able to (vs. will) or will have the opportunity to ....

C. Stameshkin said that work on assessment of the objectives will be conducted this summer and that new course proposals should appeal to the new the objectives.

C. Desmond commended C. Stameshkin for all her work as chairperson. The sentiment was affirmed by the entire Senate.

Academic Policies: Consideration of the Academic Policies proposals was delayed until the second meeting of the Senate in the Fall, 1999.

The meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted

J. Alden, Secretary

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